Sun Hung Kai Finance Travel Insurance

Sun Hung Kai Finance Travel Insurance


Sun Hung Kai Finance


Streamline insurance sales with online convenience and efficiency

About Project

Insurance Selling Online

Internet is enabling corporation to make business more easily than ever. Nowadays, with the streamlined workflow designed, your customers can make a purchase directly when browsing your website. Then, they fill in details for the purchase. Finally they get the payment through a payment gateway, and generate the necessary documents for delivery. The whole process does not even need a physical place, a human salesperson, nor an actual cashier!

Development of Sun Hung Kei Finance Travel

We helped to Sun Hung Kei Finance to develop an online travel insurance purchase system. Those who needs to travel can buy travel insurance on the web. Through a carefully designed process, the user can easily filled in the information required. Afterwards, they could select one of the plan for the most suitable coverage, and make the payment online via payment gateway. Upon the payment is made, the policy document will be generated automatically and sent to the user. On the backend administration system, the staff can monitor the transaction status, and make changes on the price of a particular insurance plan when needed.

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